
Communication is everything – without communication we are lost.

Whether intranational or international: respect, attention, and appreciation are the timeless foundations of good communication – contemporary social manners are changeable.

To know international standards and to be mindful of cross-cultural particulars, as well as the ability to diplomatically yet clearly communicate: all of this is becoming increasingly important.

This includes flexibility, confidence, diplomatic flair, and assured social manners – so you can remain relaxed, even when you’re on unsteady ground, the situation is tense, and the other person is a challenge!


Benefit from a leading expert – “She has the answer for every question,” writes das Handelsblatt.


  • Over twenty years experience as a trainer
  • Academic background
  • More than 1,000 hours of advanced training (internationally-recognised certifications)
  • Extensive international– and leadership experience
  • Established author with seven published titles 
  • All events held in German and English


Effective and lasting learning is possible only through an extensive consultation before the event, and with methodical diverse seminars of a high professional level.


For this reason I do not offer public seminars – only events individually designed for you.

Nandine Meyden